What warranty do you have?
New parts :

No warranty other than that provided by the manufacturer or importer applies to new parts. If you want to know the exact warranty provisions of a certain item, you can request this from us.

Used parts :

We do not provide any guarantee on all used parts other than that the part functions at the time of purchase. Is a component unexpectedly defective? Then contact us and we will ensure that you receive a replacement part. If we cannot deliver this, you will of course receive your money back! All our parts are engraved or sealed. lack of engraving or breaking the seal will void the warranty.


The warranty claims expire if:
a. You do not inform us within 3 days after the discovery of the defect; or
b. We are not given the opportunity to remedy the defects; or
c. Third parties have performed work in connection with that without prior permission or prior knowledge from us
the work performed by us in respect of which a claim under the guarantee is invoked
is being done.
d. You use the products differently from the applications specified by the manufacturer.

For detailed conditions, see our general conditions, which are leading.