
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are sent during your visit to this website and placed on a computer, laptop, mobile phone or tablet. These cookies are used, among other things, to analyse the behaviour of visitors to this website. Alberts Oldtimerservice does not use this data on an individual or computer level and therefore cannot trace it back to a computer or individual.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to remember your personal cookie settings. Some cookies are necessary for this website to function, for example to log in, remember your preferences and to be able to place an order.

Why do we ask for your consent?

Dutch law stipulates that certain cookies are subject to an obligation to provide information and consent (opt-in). An opt-in means that we must ask your permission in advance to place cookies on your computer, smartphone or tablet. However, this does not apply to all types of cookies.

What do I consent to?

You do not need to give your consent for cookies that are necessary for analysis and optimisation of the website. For all other cookies, we need your explicit consent. Consent is granted by actively agreeing to the placement of cookies.

Which cookies do we use?

Below you can see our cookie overview which describes which cookies are placed on our website, or which are placed by us or a third party, the purpose and the retention period. You can also see whether a cookie is necessary or not and what the consequences are for your visit to our website if you do not accept a cookie.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: 1 month
Description: This cookie is placed by CloudFare to identify individual website visitors of the Alberts Oldtimerservice website and to apply security settings per website visitor.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by the Alberts Oldtimerservice website to store the redirected language.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: 3 months and 8 days
Description: This cookie is placed by the Alberts Oldtimerservice website to test whether cookies are allowed in the browser of the website visitor.

Cookie type: Statistics
Validity: 2 years
Description: This cookie is placed by Google Analytics to analyze visitor, session and campaign data and to keep track of the use of the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The IP address of a visitor to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website is not passed on to Google Analytics.

Cookie type: Statistics
Validity: 1 day
Description: This cookie is placed by Google Analytics to analyze visitor, session and campaign data and to keep track of the use of the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The IP address of a visitor to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website is not passed on to Google Analytics.

Cookie type: Statistics
Validity: 1 minute
Description: This cookie is placed by Google Analytics to analyze visitor, session and campaign data and to keep track of the use of the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website. The IP address of a visitor to the Alberts Oldtimerservice website is not passed on to Google Analytics.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: 30 days
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

Type of cookie: Necessary
Validity: Session
Description: This cookie is placed by CleanTalk to protect the contact forms on the Alberts Oldtimerservice website against SPAM.

I want to delete all my cookies

You can use the browser settings on your computer to delete cookies that have already been placed and to refuse the placement of new cookies. The way in which this is done differs per internet browser. You can find more information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies in the instructions and/or using the Help function of your internet browser.

If you refuse or delete cookies, you will not be able to use all the features of our website. In addition, refusing or deleting cookies only affects the computer and internet browser on which you perform this action. Do you use multiple computers and/or internet browsers? Then you should repeat this operation(s) as often as necessary.

Changes to the cookie statement

Based on new developments, we may change our cookie statement, for example in the context of new laws and regulations. It is therefore recommended that you consult our cookie statement regularly.

Questions and comments

If you have any questions or comments about our cookie statement, please let us know. Feel free to let us know via the contact form or send an e-mail to [email protected].